Mary Smith
Blog about beauty, food and travelling
Don’t repeat my mistakes!
I ruined my skin with a vitamin A cream but then found an analogue that works.

Face swelling, eye bags, red spots and peeling skin… That’s what I got when I added vitamin A bought in a drugstore to my regular face cream, following a recipe posted by a blogger.

This serum with unispheres should have fought wrinkles and made my skin more resilient. But, in fact, I cried for two days, looking at the consequences of using this “lifehack” in the mirror.

Compresses, lotions and time-proved natural masks helped me. Irritation went away, but the wrinkles didn’t, I dare say, it happened to be otherwise. I laid all my skin care products on the shelf – I was afraid to experience this nightmare again.

Before the vitamin A cream
After the vitamin A cream

Eventually, I had to stay at my sister’s – she went on vacation and asked me to take care of her nephew. On the day one, I got so tired, that I fell asleep in a sitting room in front of a TV. When I got up, I saw the nephews sleeping next to me and a cream jar on the floor. The children played doctor and applied this serum with unispheres to me. Horrified, I approached the mirror, expecting to see awful spots, begs under eyes and peeling skin.

Nothing of the sort! My face looked much fresher and relaxed.

This was the WOW effect I was searching for. The skin care product seemed to be interesting, but the sticker provided few information, in fact, it only revealed th name – Simpla360 serum .

I searched the Internet and found a link to a detailed description of the formula and the effect produced by this serum with unispheres.

Thus, it’s recommended to use it to fight wrinkles; it moisturizes face skin and evens its tone, removes pigmentation, fights blemishes and helps to get rid of swelling. They say it’s allergy-free.

While I was staying at my sister’s, I continued to use Simpla360 serum .

Before Simpla360 serum
After Simpla360 serum

A week later, crow's feet were almost gone, nasolabial folds were reduced. Even deep forehead wrinkles became less noticeable.

When I came back home, I ordered Simpla360 serum. On this site, I bought one and got one for free due to a special offer. Thus, I paid back my sister :)

All in all, the product is good. This serum with unispheres have done real magic with my skin. Better than dubious experimental ideas found on the Internet.

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That’s nonsense. I’ve been using essential oils for 4 years, it’s all right, I’m not gonna change anything!


Keep using the same old formulas. When you want to remove wrinkles 5 years later, your almond oil won’t work. So what will you use then, an iron?


The only disadvantage of this serum with unispheres is that guys who are young enough to be my sons try to get acquainted with me in the streets. But I prefer older men ;)


OMG, how can anyone come with idea to apply any stuff to yr face? What if they offered you to use acid, would you? You’d better study the guide first, read the reviews, but, instead of that, you just follow a recommendation...


Judging by the photo, your sister’s cream works well. Thanks for the link! Will definitely order and try it :)


I am using Simpla360 serum for 8 month. Its really great product.. My pores get clogged, cosmetic products don’t settle in wrinkles, my makeup doesn’t look cakey. Its texture is very nice.


Listen, you look gorgeous now!


I’v been using it for 3 months. After using Simpla360 serum my skin became soft, smooth and silky. The cream isn’t sticky, it doesn’t make your skin oily.


Once, I made a mistake, too, now I don’t carry out experiments, I use only well-tried products.


I’ve been buying only luxurious cosmetics recently, waste about 500 Euros on a jar, but get no result :(


Oh I know what cosmetics allergy feels like, I’ve been suffering from it all my life long.


This serum is just great, won’t change it for another one at any price!


They applied this serum with unispheres to my face in a facial room and than offered me to buy it a price 3x bigger than the manufacturer’s. It’s grate I didn’t agree to, I came home and searched for it on the Internet – that’s how I found your blog. I’ll certainly order it, it’s worth the price!
